Salami – just dip!

You may already recognized that MOGUNTIA has developed from the underdog to the whipper. MOGUNTIA was one of the first companies on the market who renounced the addition of lactose and allergen ingredients for the production of raw sausages and at the same time compensated this completely in the ripening process. With BESSAVIT® Net and GRIDMASTER® Spice we complemented our range with innovative raw sausage guts. With ProtectSTART® we have the only effective starter and protect cultures on the market to inhibit salmonellae. In the past years we complemented our starter culture range with 2 other ripening cultures and with FRISCHIN® mouldex we are also a pioneer in the sector of declaration free mould prevention. Now the raw sausage range was extended with 3 new dipping masses for more versatility in the salami production.